“It’s wonderful to have a psychologist such as Dr. Crawford on contract through Harris County’s Risk Management program. I’ve attended several of his seminars and hold him in the highest regard. In addition, his weekly “Quotes and Comments” are consistently excellent, and, in my opinion, the BEST! Powerful, enlightening, and even liberating. Many thanks to Dr. Bill!” ~

Charlotte Mangum
The Neuroscience of Psychological Safety

The Neuroscience of Psychological Safety

“Lacking a sense of psychological safety, people shut down…often without realizing it. They are less likely to seek or accept feedback, and also less likely to experiment, to discuss errors, and to speak up about potential problems.”

~ Christine Porath

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When To Use Criticism

When To Use Criticism

“Criticism can be effective when there is something that must be destroyed or dissolved, but it is capable only of harm when there is something to be built.”

~ Carl Jung

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